
TGIF Behbeh

Having a pretty good day today. I slept very well and stopped for some breakfast today instead of my usual coffee. It's already 11:30, and the day seems to be going very quickly.

The only thing I really want to do this weekend is get the Christmas stuff put away and maybe measure Aubrey's room for her shelves. Carl says he doesn't mind helping out with that, but I may wait until the summer for the shelving. They will have to be painted the darker color purple and I'm not sure I want to do anymore painting inside the house. The smell is just now starting to dissipate. Instead, I think I may get Carl to come out shopping with me for ski stuff. Tammy and I are going out today at lunch to look for bibs. I saw that Oshman's has a sale on and they had some for only $25.00. I can handle that :)

I really don't want to be here today. My house is such a disaster area from the holidays I want to be home straightening up. That was actually my plan for LAST night, but I was so damn tired. I was in bed by 6:30. I set the time for Aubrey to read for 30 minutes and I drifted off. Only woke up when the timer went off. She asked me if she could watch TV, so I told her that if she got her pajamas on and watched TV in her room that she could. The last thing I remember is talking to Carl for a bit...and then Aubrey coming in to kiss me goodnight asking if she could sleep with me. She didn't sleep with me, so I assume I must have not answered her. LOL I was out of it.

I'm actually feeling like I could use a little nap right now, but I'm going to keep my momentum going as we're about to run to Oshman's to check out prices. :) Have a great day!

kellbelle at 11:14 a.m.

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