
A Little Bitter

Okay... I have been feeling a little bitter today over the revalation that my ex has a girlfriend in California. I'm NOT mad he has a girlfriend. More power to him as it will most likely draw his negative attention away from me. I do not like the fact that she lives in California. I mean... he used to give me so much flack about Doug living somewhere other than Texas...fearing that I would move away, etc. And now he is seeing someone who does not live in Texas and wants to take Aubrey when he meets her for the first time. I don't think so. I waited 6 months for Aubrey to meet Doug, and when he met her, it was here. I'm not going to allow Gary to take her to California to meet someone for the first time. If he meets her before then, and is comfortable with her... and wants her to meet Aubrey, then okay, but to have Aubrey meet at the same time Gary does is a bit of jeopardy for me and I'm not good with that.

Okay.... I admit that I'm sounding bitchy here, but everything that I have done as far as relationships go has been for my daughter. Why shouldn't he be held to the same standard? Just because he's the dad?? Nope, don't think so. Forgive my ranting. I'm just mad that he's telling Aubrey these things about going to see this woman and stuff before she is even used to the idea that he HAS a girlfriend. This was news to her apparently and I don't think it's healthy to suddenly talk about taking Aubrey to meet her. But maybe it's just me. I really do want him to find someone so he leaves me the hell alone, but I don't want him running off and leaving Aubrey alone either.

kellbelle at 12:43 p.m.

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