
A big commitment

No, not talking about marriage here. I'm thinking of becoming a scout leader for girls. I have always wanted to, but it was either not the right time in my life or I couldn't find anyone that needed the extra help. The place I live now has more girls who want to be involved than what they have leaders for, so I'm going to take the plunge. I realize what a big investment in time it is, but it's also an investment of time into my daughter. I think it will actually be a lot of fun (and yes a lot of hard work) but I am really loving this age. I know not every girl is going to be as into scouting as mine is... or that they will behave as well as mine does (okay I'm done bragging), but I still think it will be well worth it.

I have been moping around for over a year now about my life...my finances...and I really think that becoming involved in a service group is a great way to get out of this funk and take some responsibility and give back to my community. I found a ton of information on the internet today and made my own binder already for becoming a leader. I just have to fill out the background check and get my references together and I should know something in a few weeks. :)

Other than all that, I have to pick up Aubrey in a little while. She has cut her stay short with Jana. I think she's freaking out a little bit about school and wants to be around mom a few nights before she heads to the ineffectual father for the weekend. The man is not emotional or understanding of her or her needs. She told me she doesn't really even want to go, but what can I say? She starts school on Tuesday and meet the teacher night is on Monday, so it's really getting down to the wire. After I pick her up we're going to do a little back to school shopping and get some dinner. Hopefully she won't be too bummed about about not staying with Jana the rest of the week and is in the mood to have a little fun. Ciao for now :)

kellbelle at 3:47 p.m.

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