

I have a really bad headache and I can't seem to figure out if it's from my sinuses or if it's a migraine. It has the power of a migraine but the pressure of sinuses. I took some sinus stuff and had a cup of hot tea, but so far nothing is loosening up that pressure.

On a brighter note, tomorrow night is the city-wide Girl Scout rally and Aubrey and I are really excited about getting signed up. I've already started getting ideas together and getting myself organized. Today I ordered a craft kit so the girls can re-learn the GS Law as I'm sure there will be girls who have never been in scouts before. I also ordered some books from the main website about outdoor activities, a song book that I can play along with my guitar and just some fun things.

One thing Aubrey's Brownie troop did that I thought was so cute was that they had a troop mascot. It was a small plush toy and at every meeting we would draw names to see who the mascot went with. The girl who received the mascot got to keep him until the next meeting and had to right in the mascot journal about what he did with the girl during her time. I found a really cute, small beanie toy on the GS website. It's a plush pegasis. I think the girls will like it and it should be easy to get them excited about taking him home and writing about their adventures. The fun stories are when the kids go on vacation. Other stories some girls get really creative with. It's cute.

The weekend was good. We lazed around the entire time. I was in bed by 9:30 on Friday night. Saturday morning Aubrey got a call around 10 and she went off to play the whole day and ended up spending the night. Carl took me out to dinner on Saturday night and again I was in bed by 9:30.

Sunday I was in my pajamas until noon and then Aubrey came home. I got cleaned up and Carl took his aunt to the airport. When he came back I had dinner ready. We had pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn and a little wine. My laundry was all done, my house was clean and I even got some stuff done in the office. It looks like I have been there a while now, not like I just moved in ;)

I started cross stitch again. I'm getting a jump start on a Christmas gift for Aubrey's teacher. I'm kind of weird that way. I start my shopping way ahead of schedule.

Well, I need to go close my eyes for a bit. My head is killing me.

kellbelle at 1:58 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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