
Thank You

I have been feeling goofy-headed all day ...since I woke up this morning. And I mean goofy-headed as in "not the usual goofy-headed that I am". I stopped on my way to work and got some Sudafed but I'm wondering if it's even working. I feel really light headed and my throat is all scratchy from drainage.

I went to get lunch at McD's. I don't normally like to eat there, but I was craving the french fries, so what the hell right? Tonight I'm taking Carl and Aubrey out to dinner to celebrate my rasie. I have all my bills paid and I still have money left over :) That's always a good thing.

The other good thing is that the way my pay days fall this month, it's almost like having an extra check. My next payday is the 22nd... which means the check after that is the first week of October... and I can pay my rent with that one. :) I can do a little Christmas shopping. I'm not spending more than $150 on Aubrey this year.

Speaking of shopping, I have NO idea what to get Carl for Christmas. And next month is our 1 year anniversary. I can hardly believe it's been a year. It seems like only yesterday I was writing about all the jerks that I had been going out with... writing about being stood up... and then writing about this amazing guy. Time sure does fly when you're having fun.

In a few months I'll be another year older. I'm not worried about it. In all honesty, the last few years have been the best years of my life. I feel more alive, more love, more IN love than I have ever felt my whole life. I feel, finally, balanced in all areas of my life. There is room for improvement still, but keeping things simple has really done wonders for my self-esteem, for my happiness, for my well being.

And some of the new friends I've made this year... some of the new aquaintences... have really touched my heart and stimulated my mind. I'm so thankful for all of it.. the good and the bad.

So bless all of you my friends... my acquaintences... and thanks for touching my life.

kellbelle at 1:37 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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