
Don't Hate Me Because I'm A Dumb Republican

Chou Chou is miffed at me because she thinks I didn't take her discussion seriously or to heart, or perhaps that I didn't understand what she was trying to say to me. For some of the reasons she is voting for Kerry are some of the reasons I am not voting for Kerry.

I hate doing this because I know I'll get slammed for the things I say from someone or another. I don't proclaim to know everything. I just know the things that I believe and that move me to think the way that I do. That's the great thing about America...I don't have to think like everyone else. I can be different. Hell...I AM different. I have never been good at debate because I don't like confrontation. I'm not good at it... and I'm not good at keeping my cool about it. It hurts me...gets me upset... and it's silly that a simple exchange of ideas/beliefs/thoughts should do that, but it does. That being said... here are some of my reasons:

Spritopias said it best for me in this quote from his diary:

"Senator Kerry lied when he said that he was a Catholic, that he had a deep faith in Catholicism and that he respected it.....if your faith is not influencing your decision it is no faith at all. Faith then becomes a label you apply to yourself for personal gain and benefit. Someone who believed in Catholicism, and Christianity, would understand, appreciate and stand up for our beliefs � not fight those ideas and mock those who seek to uphold them."

I'm not a strongly religious person in the sense that I'm a bible thumper, but I consider myself to be pretty spritual and Christian for the most part. I have my downs, but hey, I'm human as are most of the other beings around me. I understand that Catholics are very private with their faith (hell I was one for 20 years), but I have known plenty of Catholics who weren't afraid to admit they were spiritual. I just found it odd that Kerry never brought it up until he understood that Bush has faith and people know that Bush has it. I also find it odd that since he started telling us he's Catholic that the Holy Roman Catholic church is telling people not to vote for him. What does that say??

I don't like war, but I understand that the people who sign up for service know what they're getting into. I have two brothers who fought in wars... they didn't like war...but they knew their job and what they signed up to do was defend freedom and democracy. Yes it's tragic when young people die in the service to their country...following orders from their commander in chief, but it's their job. There was no draft...some of them may not have expected to have to fight, but history shows that war can happen any old time and when you sign up, you're expected to be ready to fight when the time comes.

I'm not saying these things to be bull headed or to stir up anything. I don't like politics. I took the time to study the issues this time...I feel I have an informed opionion. I wanted to know why people thought I should vote for Kerry...not why they are voting for him. Does that make sense?

I grew up in a house of Democrats. Maybe that's why I'm not one. Who knows. Anyway...Chou Chou I'm sorry. Don't hate me because I'm a dumb Republican.

kellbelle at 5:42 p.m.

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