
Halloween Weekend

We had such a great weekend. Saturday Carl drove me and Aubrey down to his grandparents� place near Marble Falls. They have this great piece of Texas Hill Country and I just love going there. They have a sprawling acreage covered in prickly pear cactus, oak trees, fossils, deer�anything you can imagine. And now they have their very own teepee! Carl�s step-mom ordered this fabulous teepee and now there is a campsite there that we can go to any time we want.

We showed up on Saturday in costume (cowboys and Indians) and everyone was all dressed up. It was soooo cute and I can�t wait to get my pictures back. Carl was a Sheriff, I was a urban cowgirl and Aubrey was an Indian. The costumes were all so great. There wasn�t one person there who wasn�t in costume. It was also Carl�s dad�s 60th birthday. Larry was dressed as the Lone Ranger.

All the kids slept in the teepee. That thing is so cool I just can�t talk enough about it. We had a small ceremony to bless the teepee before bed and all the kids crashed. During the day they had swung at the pi�ata, ate far too much candy, had several hay rides and made lots of Indian-type crafts. It was so much fun. Of course there was lots of sangria and beer to go around too.

There were lots of friends of Carl�s folks there and none of them knew he had found a girlfriend. They were all telling me how lucky I am (as if I don�t already know) and saying that they always knew Carl would find someone special. I really had such a great time laughing and talking with everyone. Carl�s family is so great. They get me and treat me like I�m one of the family. That�s just what I need these days.

Carl and I tried sleeping in my tent, but my air mattress went flat and the wind was blowing really hard. It actually ripped my rain fly and the tent was blowing so hard it bend down flat a few times! Without the air mattress my back was killing me, I had a pretty bad headache and the dog was freaking out from the wind, so I slept in the back of my car for most of the night. Once I was inside out of the wind and my back wasn�t hurting so bad, I crashed.

We woke up pretty early as it started to rain a little. We quickly took the tent down and had some breakfast and hung out until it was time to leave. We were all sleepy coming home, but we took turns driving and napping and made it home around dinner time. We dropped Carl off at home and Aubrey and I headed home to shower and put stuff away. I didn�t think Carl would come over, but he surprised me and made us dinner. We ended up watching 5O First D@tes. It was really cute and we both liked it. With the time change, we still were in bed early and slept hard. It was nice to be back in my own bed with my sweet lovin� man. Life is good.

kellbelle at 10:52 a.m.

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