
Girl Scouts, Coffee Guy & Cowboy Dreams

The girls were just crazy last night. I think I�m going to tell the parents to cut out cookies as snacks and start bringing yogurt or fruit or something like that. They were so hyper I actually had to resort to yelling to get them to calm down. They were bouncing off the furniture, screaming, running around�it was ridiculous. I told them that if they acted that way at camp that they would send us home. Lol

I was so tired when I got home, but thankfully all the parents have paid me for camp now, so I�m financially stable again. That�s always a good feeling because money seems to be like water through my fingers these days and I really don�t have all that much to show for it! I must admit, though, that my life is so much more under control and so much better than a year ago. I can hardly believe how far things have come. Even not having my bankruptcy done yet I�m still under control. I pay all my bills, I have money left over and I still do not own one credit card. Go me! The only long term debt I have is my car.

I had a funny thing happen this morning when I stopped for coffee at the drive through today. The guy came on the speaker and said �Good morning, this is Adam, how can I warm up your morning?� hehe I got a big stupid grin and said �Oh behbeh if you only knew!� This set off a chorus of laughter inside the store and I could hear all the people laughing over the intercom. When I got up to the window, I knew it would be someone other than the guy I had talked to and the girl was still laughing. She leaned out the window and handed me my change and told me next time he asks me that to say �Meet me out back and I�ll show you.� LOL

I�ve been having dreams about Carl in his Halloween outfit. LOL He looked so cute. �Oh my Sheriff, what a big gun you have!� hehe

Well, back to the grind�I have a pile of filing to get to. Have a great day!

kellbelle at 10:25 a.m.

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