
Black & White

Man I work with the most closed minded group of people. We were talking this morning about the death of TS (God rest her soul) and I wasn�t taking one side or another, just trying to make the close minded ones aware that there are people out there who actually care about things they believe in. People in this office think that people who protest are quacks and �don�t they have better things to do?�. Personally, I don�t mind the peaceful protestors. I wish I had the courage to take on something that I believed in. It seems that anyone in this office who does not think like the rest of them do are stupid or ignorant. I do not think as they do, therefore I must be stupid and ignorant. Sheesh

I grew up with a sister who could (and still does) see only in black and white. It�s either this or it�s that. There is no in between, there is no middle ground. Needless to say I don�t get along with her very well. She�s quick to condemn and slow to forgive. I know that there are some things in this world that you can�t change. No matter what you believe in, no matter how much you protest. But why is it wrong for people to think that they have the power to change the world? Why is it wrong to take a local event and turn it nationwide so others across the country can see what�s going on? I agree that sometimes it�s not good for the government to get involved. But I do not think it�s a bad thing to make people aware of things. Maybe I�m just really na�ve. Maybe I�m too open minded. I don�t know. As my ex used to tell me, why should anyone else do anything when I�m the one with the problem? LOL I can�t change the way people think. I�m aware of that. I accept it. Seems that other people don�t know that, though.

I really stepped into it yesterday. I know I mentioned the rubber stamp thing in an earlier entry. Originally I had gotten some stuff from a lady that lived in Indiana. I got interested in the company and asked her a few questions, but then began looking for someone local to sign up under. I didn�t want to be supported from Indiana, I wanted to meet someone in my town that I could learn from, hang with, create with and get to know. I was invited to join a Y@h00 group for this company and guess what. The woman I originally bought from is part of it and she�s a little upset that I signed up under someone else and she told that person that I signed up under that she was upset. Now� joining up under someone local is MY doing and MY choice. I�m only joining as a hobbyist, so I don�t see how this other woman would be upset anyway. I won�t be earning any commission on anything I buy and everything is for my personal use. It�s just weird and I feel bad for having brought this �trauma� to the local woman. She was so excited because I�m her first recruit. It�s sad that people have to be so petty. The other woman had nothing to gain by my signing up under her. Oh well.

kellbelle at 10:55 a.m.

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