
Computer update

So... we got a new computer and now there are problems with THAT one. At least I HAVE a functional computer, but it won't allow me to connect to the internet. Carl is on the phone with customer service right now and I'm hoping that this will resolve the issue and that we don't have to take the damn thing back.

It's not been a great day so far, but not terrible... and I get to go home in three days. I'm looking forward to that.

What do y'all think of the new template? I thought it was cute and even though it's seasonal (winter girl), I still like it.

While Carl is chatting with the web tech guy, I'm having a rum and cherry coke and it's really good. I'm thinking of going out to get firewood and watch a movie, but I really want to play with my new computer! LOL My Sims are going to be FLYING around that 250 gig hard drive! LOL

So now since I'm only babbling, I will quit.

kellbelle at 4:30 p.m.

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