

I had a nap for a little over an hour, but I'm still tired. I hope the nap doesn't ruin my chances of sleeping tonight.

I really DO NOT want to go to this Service Unit meeting tonight for Girl Scouts, but I'm the co-service unit leader... so yeah I should really be there. *sigh*

School was fine. Watched a movie in Human Development that was interesting and I didn't even fall asleep. I turned in my first paper. Two more papers due for different classes in two weeks. EEeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeeek! Remember how I said I liked writing papers? I was lying. These are no fun and Carl (hereby known as Mr. Critical Professor-type husband) drives me crazy with his comments about my writing. Yes I ask for them, but he is so critical sometimes it's almost mean.

Yesterday I took Aubrey and we bought new clothes. I tried on one of my new outfits and Carl says "are those pants supposed to stick to your butt like that?" *sigh* I turned and walked away. He yelled after me "But I like the shirt! I like the sweater!!" Sorry buddy too late. If he doesn't like something, he will not even pretend to disguise his dislike and more times than not it hurts my feelings. I shouldn't complain because he's really wonderful with so many other things. No one is perfect... I just wish sometimes he would think of nicer ways of saying things. Maybe state the positive things first and THEN deliver the let down. LOL

I need to wake up... I'm all groggy from my nap now. I'll catch you later.

kellbelle at 4:07 p.m.

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