
Today is my Friday

Got up earlier than usual today to take Aubrey to school. Carl wanted to be at work early. It's okay with me. He takes her almost every day, I SHOULD get my ass out of bed once and a while. LOL Besides, it got me going and working on my papers that are due next week. I'm actually even almost done with one that's due in April! Go me!! heh

The paper for my government class is going to be on the Congressional Pension Accountability Act. I haven't found much public opposition to it, but I did find a few arguments against it such as "Don't we want to attract the best and the brightest with good pay?" I'll have to think over the arguments against it. There aren't many. Besides, there are other reforms before Congress now that have a few parts of the bill in them, so the bill may never pass.

The other paper I'll be working on this weekend is about the industrial revolution and how Americans began to lose their identity because of massive migration and the explosive growth of cities. It's an interesting topic, but sometimes I feel it's a little bit above my brain capacity! LOL We'll see how it turns out.

So that's what I'll be doing this weekend. Aubrey and Carl will be working on Science Fair this weekend. I'm going to try to document the steps with the camera for her display board.

Hope you guys have a good day. Today is my Friday since I don't have class tomorrow, but I have things that have to get done. We pick up our Girl Scout cookie order at 4:30 and I'm meeting a general contractor here at the house at 5:00 to look at Aubrey's bathroom. The fun never stops around here.

kellbelle at 8:13 a.m.

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