
Errands and Blood Test

Just got back from my morning running around. Had the blood test at the doctor. I will have the results tomorrow morning, but he thinks I'm pregnant. Had me stop and pick up some prenatal vitamins. I also ran to the bookstore for the latest version of "What to expect when you're expecting". I had that one when I was pregnant with Aubrey and it was good. Also picked up my new glasses. They are best for reading, watching TV and driving. NOT for computer (as I'm finding out now).

The doc says that it's okay for me to do Southbeach and says it's a very healthy option for weightloss. Damnit! LOL So yeah... I'll be starting that this weekend. Also got myself a pedometer and a little log book and I'm going to start walking on a daily basis. Can't wait to get my treadmill back from the ex's house as I do NOT want to be walking when it's 95 degrees and humid outside.

We called the parents and told them last night. Everyone is so excited, and we are too. We were joking about family names for the baby. Some names in Carl's family:


Names in my family:


Hehe... I told Carl we don't want the poor kid to get beatin up at school. Of course Carl's full name is Leslie Carl and he lived just fine :)

Well, I'm feeling a nap coming on and I bought The DaVinci Code to read, so I'm going to get after it. Enjoy your weekend!!

kellbelle at 10:54 a.m.

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