
Tax Free Weekend and School Registration

The wild and crazy dreams are still coming. Some of them are very...erm...pleasant, but others are very disturbing. I find myself thinking of writing a book about the one strain of particularly bad dream I keep having.

I have been dreaming that I killed my ex husband. Yes, he committed suicide and I was totally nowhere near him when it occurred. I don't dream of actually doing it, but I dream of living with the guilt of having done it. I know this is a natural way for my mind to get rid of any guilt I might feel, but you have to admit, it would make a really interesting story. What do you guys think? Would this be a good therapy for me to work out my anger and frustrations? Or is it just too creepy/weird to even think about? Then of course I have to think about anyone who might have known him finding out I was writing such a thing. LOL Am I asking for too much trouble?

I've also been having some really good ideas for some kids' stories as well, but it's been a long time since I did any really "good" writing that I'm a little timid about getting started. How does one go about getting started on such a project? Do you just write and then edit the hell out of it and send it off to a publisher? I need to look more into it. It's going to be a long winter with the baby. I'm not even sure yet if I'm going to attend spring semester at school. Just an idea.

Not much going on here in the land of Kell. I volunteered at Jr. High registration day today for 8th graders. Aubrey's is next Friday, the 11th, and I'm volunteering then, too. One of the perks is I get to go there early and get her registered before all the other parents waiting in line. Hah! ;)

We finished Aubrey's room and as soon as she cleans it and gets all her posters and such hung up, I will have pictures. We're going shopping this weekend because it's tax free weekend (no sales tax) and we found out that diapers are one of the tax free items. Thought we'd try to find some bedding that we like so we can choose a color/paint for baby Julia's room. Eeeeee! It's so nice to have some direction and to know what little person is going to be born. Go back to the last entry if you haven't yet seen the sonogram picture :)

That's about all there is to report for now. It's still hot here, my tan is improving and it's almost time for school to start. Hopefully I'll have more material to write about soon.

kellbelle at 4:14 p.m.

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