
Lies Lies Lies Yeah!

Don�t you just love it when you catch someone in a lie? For the most part it�s kind of a �gotcha� for me, but not when it�s someone that I have been trusting, helping along, supporting. I feel a little cheated, but still�they had me going for a while. Had me believing the story they were spinning. I�m just glad my life is stable now or this really would have thrown me for a loop and made me depressed.

People/things/events can�t MAKE you depressed. It�s just your reaction to these things that leaves you feeling that way. I�m trying to learn to be more �active� instead of �reactive� to things. I�m still no good at confrontation and when I have done confrontation in the past, it�s been over all the wrong things (i.e. fighting with someone instead of trying to talk about it and work it out). With that being said, I sometimes wonder if I�m ready for marriage again. Hehe JUST KIDDING!

So�instead of confronting the person about the lying, I�m walking away. If they can�t figure out what�s up, then they can just lie to themselves that it was all my fault to begin with and take no personal responsibility.

kellbelle at 11:15 a.m.

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