
Happy Hump Day

Not a very exciting day yesterday. I had to wear my glasses all day which really sucked. I have to wear them all day today, too, and while it still sucks at least today I don't have the headache I had from them yesterday.

I called the one eight hundreded contacts number last night and gave them my old prescription and they said they could overnight them to me and it would only cost about $215. That's a far cry from the $360 the doc was going to charge me. I will have to wait on the glasses for a while.

Picked up my car this morning. Carl paid the repair bill of $260.00 for me. Have I said how much I love that man? I wanna marry him :) hehe

I cancelled the GS meeting tonight because I am just so otherworldly tired it's not even funny. My head hurt so bad last night from wearing glasses all day that I could just not get comfortable enough to sleep. I'm hoping tonight a little rest, maybe a book and I'll be ready to sleep a long time.

Aubrey had her state math exam (TAKS test) yesterday and has the reading one today. She thought that the math one was really easy and she seemed confident, which is a good sign. She made the A/B honor roll again (she's made it all year so far) and almost all of her grades went up this quarter. I'm so proud of her. I hope she does well on the reading test. She tends to read a little too much into the detail and tends to miss the basic story line.

Today is slow but I have a ton of energy. Weird for not sleeping, but I'll take it. Carl's mom is moving this weekend and wants help. I was really hoping to get stuff at Carl's place packed up and move Mo (the cat) over to my place. I guess we'll just have to put it off yet another weekend. Next weekend is the Jazz Festival and Aubrey will be singing there. Her school concert is next Thrusday night. It will be neat to see how much they and the orchestra have improved since the fall concert.

I've really been having fun with my stamping. Since I can't see the TV or work on the computer for long periods of time, I've made quite a few little greeting cards. Some of you might even see one appear in your mailbox! hehe I'm such a geek.

I can't think of much else to report other than my stress level is decreasing and I'm breathing and trying not to worry about tomorrow. Today is the only thing I can do anything about, so I might as well dig in. I just realized I said I was both really tired and had energy nearly in the same breath. I think I need to sleep. LOL

Hope y'all are having a great day.

kellbelle at 12:11 p.m.

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