
Monday Monday

I was feeling a little tipsy last night when I wrote that entry. LOL I guess the movie had an effect on my vocabulary as well. I can�t remember the last time I used the word �bloody� to describe anything! LOL

As I said, I got the acceptance letter from the university on Saturday. They are now going over my transcripts to see how many credits will transfer. I have about 76 credits, so hopefully at least half of them will transfer. I got the schedule for classes for the fall and there are lots of night classes. While I want to do a lot through online learning, I think some classes might be more beneficial to attend in a classroom setting. But we�ll see. After my credits have been evaluated I get to be �advised� before I can register for any classes.

The scouting party is this week on Wednesday. Then I will be free until August. I had notes from two of the moms this week saying that their two daughters will not be in the troop next year, but that they want to be included on any activities that are organized with the troop money. Well sorry, if you leave the troop then you are not entitled to use the cookie money! I think these women have it in their heads that the money should be spent according to how much each girl earned and that is just not how it works. The money belongs to the troop and if you quit, you don�t get to be a part of the events. I made it very clear at the start of cookie season that the money belonged to ALL the girls, not just individuals. Even if one girl only earned $12.00, she still gets to participate in as many events as a girl who earned $1,200.00. I will have to think of some way to let these two moms know this. These two girls are the ones that give me so many problems, so in a way I�m not sad to see them go. Speaking of scouting, I do need to finish up some of my training this summer. I still have to get Red Cross certified.

Co Worker #2 gave me a big bag of clothes for Aubrey. She spoils her kids to death, so the clothes are really cute and stylish. Aubrey will love them. I am so grateful that people still share hand me downs. I grew up wearing them, but mine were never this nice or stylish! LOL I don�t HAVE to give Aubrey hand me downs, but it sure does make things easier. She still gets new clothes for Christmas and her birthday, so she is not lacking by any means. She has more clothes than she knows what to do with. When she goes to her dad�s I have to go in there and get rid of stuff that doesn�t fit her anymore.

It�s nearly lunchtime and I�m ready. Have a great day!

kellbelle at 10:46 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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