
Feeling Better

Things are going well around here. We're gearing up for Christmas with Carl's Nana and then we'll be going on our annual ski trip! We're going to Red River, NM and we are so excited. Aubrey is bringing her friend from Mesquite and her friend is even more excited than Aubrey is! It's going to be a blast.

I will not be skiing this year. I've gained way too much weight and waddling around in snow pants and heavy boots is not fun for me. I'm planning on going horseback riding, maybe snowmobiling and spending some time at the spa! All in all I plan on relaxing and trying to get over this nasty head cold/coughing mess that I have.

Aubrey isn't going to the ex's family for Christmas. She told me "I don't want to be around miserable people." Those are her words, not mine. I told her that I wouldn't MAKE her do anything that was going to upset her. She may see them after we get back from the ski trip. Her aunt called and asked her if maybe she could see her after the ski trip during the day. Aubrey's words were "I'll have to think about it." Serves them right.

We had Carl's family (his dad) Christmas in Austin. It was great. There was a gingerbread house decorating contest, I brought my guitar and we sang Christmas songs, and there was lots of laughing, great food and love. I'm so blessed to have married such a wonderful man with such a great family.

Tomorrow we are leaving for Nana's house to spend Christmas Eve and part of Christmas day. We're driving on to Mesquite from there to pick up Aubrey's friend and then we're meeting Carl's dad and step-mom back here at our place. They are spending the night and then we leave the next day for New Mexico. So I will be gone for a while, but you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Merry Christmas Happy Chanukka and wonderful holidays to all of my Dland friends. You are a special part of my life and never far from my thoughts.

kellbelle at 12:25 p.m.

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