
Christopias Spritopher - 2005-04-22 12:02:25
I clicked on that banner. You designer sucks. Fire him.
meredith - 2005-04-22 15:01:28
congrats on 7 lbs girl! WOO HOOOO!
Des - 2005-04-23 00:22:40
UGH...I forgot to put my name in and lost my original, lets try this again... Brian had very little input on our wedding...It was limited to "I don't wanna wear a bow tie" and "How about powder blue for the tuxs?" Of course I disregarded the powder blue "Help" He chose his groomsmen...and I did the rest. I kind of wished he'd helped more...but as long as I was happy he was happy. Reading your stress over all of this...I'm very, very glad. lol
Suburban Island - 2005-04-23 11:54:57
Came in through your banner. It was really funny. I too would want my attendant terminology to be correct!
Beth - 2005-04-23 16:04:21
Got here via 'til death do us part if he can make it' banner. I dunno, I don't think it's that brilliant
Mandy Moo - 2005-04-23 19:12:56
Im a newlywed... I know EXACTLY how you feel... my template got all screwed on my diarycountdown but you can read through my stresses and things.... I will come back and inspect your diary some more soon!!!! best of luck!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

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