
meredith - 2005-05-11 13:19:50
i think you'd be a great counselor. but i also understand where carl's coming from too. i think that you do take a lot of it on yourself. as do i, a lot of the time. but that's not necessarily a bad thing. it just may cause you a lot of job stress, you know? but you'll figure it all out eventually. for now, just concentrate on the loveliness that is the next 6 weeks of your life -- and beyond! you have so much to look forward to. <3
Des - 2005-05-11 13:22:52
I totally understand what Carl is saying. That's what Brian always says to would take SO much out of me. and he is right, to some degree. But damn, i can be objective too. ANd lets face it...I have a GREAT handle on eveyrone else's's my own I can't handle
christopias Spritopher - 2005-05-11 14:59:46
Pay the woman, my friend does this and is personally tired getting 'nice gifts' after the great expense of coming to weddings, etc. Find someone else who had her do their wedding and see what they paid her.
bettyalready - 2005-05-11 16:12:29
Sometimes people who feel they aren't living up to their potential try to make up for it by doing a lot of least I constantly beat myself up a lot. Colonix for a wedding gift is a great idea! It's working for me so far. Ugh.

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