
Mandy Moo - 2005-05-20 11:21:00
aaw I will be praying for you to have fluffy safe dreams tonight! *hugs* feel better soon! xxx
Terri - 2005-05-20 14:46:12
Dreams like that are horrible. Do what you can to take your mind off of it. Dreams are funny things and completely untrue! Carl loves the socks off you and you'll be married before you know it! *HUGS*
Christopias Spritopher - 2005-05-21 15:27:01
yes, your wedding will be swift (sudden and severe)
Mary J - 2005-05-21 19:33:07
When I first got engaged, I was having all sorts of crazy nightmares about ex-boyfriends. It was NOT fun. They have died down...for now... but its still a long way off til my wedding!
Christopias Spritopher - 2005-05-22 08:36:43
Look at the link above. HA HA.

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