
Von - 2005-06-09 19:23:13
Kell, your all in my prayers...Love you, Von
Von - 2005-06-09 19:23:30
Kell, your all in my prayers...Love you, Von
Desiree - 2005-06-09 20:15:05
Oh my God Kel. I am so sorry for Aubrey's loss. I am so, so, so sorry for her. Are you ok? How did you find out they were going to reward him? I'm just so sorry. I can't explain the feeling i got in my stomach when I read that.
Moo - 2005-06-09 21:45:12
oh man wow.. I had to read that three times before I could make sense of what it said it just wouldn't sink in! I am going to sit with my husband and pray about this for the next hour or so.. I don't know how much it will help but I just.. wow I feel so burdened to help somehow!! I know you don;t love him anymore but he's part of the person you love msot in the world and he was part of you once and... WOW this is all so horrible and it was for no reason... no child should have to lose a parent especially not this way. I m so so sorry I don't know what to say or do and Im just sitting here rambling in an unhelpful way.. Im just.. WOW! really? it's all awful. Just remember she has you and her new stepdad and I know that wont make up for him not being there but.. Wow what can I say?? please if there is anything I can do anything at all email me or something.. I'm going to go and pray now! Im so speachless and sorry and for all it's worth.. have some hugs *hugs* xxx
moo - 2005-06-09 21:47:24
ALSO... YOU ARE NOT AN ASSHOLE!!! you really arent not even a teeny tiny bit ok? you're amazing and this too will pass! Im so sorry xxx
meredith - 2005-06-09 22:00:32
ok, well we already talked, but i wanted to send my love and support again. xox
Michelle - 2005-06-09 22:15:42
Oh my goodness... I'm sooo sorry to hear about this loss... my thoughts and prayers are with you and Aubrey
Meine-Kleine - 2005-06-09 22:43:29
I was lead here by moo (I have read before, but not as much as I'd like)... I just wanted to offer some good thoughts your way, and I am definitley going to pray for you and your daughter. All my best wishes. -Meine-Kleine
Amy - 2005-06-10 18:10:36
I'm so sorry. Even though he was your ex, you still cared about him an awful lot at one point, and nothing will ever change that. My thoughts are with you and Aubrey. It'll be rough, but you're a good mommy, and she's a good kid, and you two will be okay.
monica - 2005-06-11 12:44:49
kell, i'm sorry, i was in a retreat all day friday and then i read your latest entry just now and didn't know what happened, you're all in my prayers.

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