
Birthday Prep Blather

First off, I want to thank Mon for sending me a birthday card! A REAL one!! In the MAIL!! WOoOoOOh Hoo! Aubrey was greatly impressed, Mon ;-) Secondly, I want to tell Chou Chou thanks in advance for hosting my motley crew this weekend. I can't wait!

I was feeling very icky-sicky when I got home today. My stomach was really queasy. I had a little toast and some grape kool-aid... should have had the ginger ale, but kool-aid sounded nicer at the time. hehe I'm feeling better now :)

I started some laundry so that I will have clean clothes this weekend. Note to self - ask Chou Chou if I need to bring nice clothes for dinner Saturday. Note to Chou Chou - if you read this before Friday night, just leave me a comment. hee!

I got the oil changed in my car today and got the inspection done as well. Also got my pretty new registration sticker on there so I'm good for another year. Well, I'm good ALL the time, but my car is good for another year.

I'm going to have a hot bath in a little while to work off the rest of the icky-sicky feeling and then call Carl before it gets too late. I have the map to Chou Chou's house and all the directions printed and have a list of things to get together tonight/tomorrow and things I need to do before we leave. Carl works until 5:00 and it's about a 6 hour drive to Little Rock, so I don't think we'll get there until about midnight. Hope that's not a damper for all parties considered. My folks always used to travel a 3 1/2 hour trip on Friday nights and I haven't done that for ages. I'm really looking forward to it. Even if it is almost twice as long as when I was a kid ;) hehe

Had telephone parent/teacher conference today and the teacher was please with Aubrey's progress. She scored an 87% on the last TAKS practice test, which is really good. She's getting close to an A! I'm so proud of her. Next we have to work on the math stuff. That's where I'll pull Carl in. hehe

Well, enough babbling. The tub is calling me and I just want to soak a while.

kellbelle at 7:11 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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