
More Birthday Blather

Having a very good day so far. Got to sleep in just a little bit, but wasn't late taking Aubrey to school or getting to work. I remembered to send her lunch money with her today, so now she doesn't have to eat the dreaded "veggie tray". hehe

Tammy and Stacy are taking me to lunch for my birthday today. We're going to Posado's. I'm looking forward to that. Haven't had Mexican food in a while.

Tonight we travel to Chou Chou's. I have most of my stuff packed and made Aubrey pack her stuff last night. I just have to pack some clothes when I get home, all my other things are ready to go. We're just going to grab something from McDonald's before we head out. I need to get some snacks and drinks for the car, but otherwise I think we're all set to go. I'm pumped!

Not feeling so negative toward the ex anymore. I think he may be playing me to judge my reaction to him having a girlfriend. As I've said, let him have one because it will take his attention off of me. That's all good. :) If he wants to mess with me, I've been very patient and nice to him for the past four years. Just watch me get it on... and if he starts griping about money again, I haven't filed my bankruptcy yet... he may come to find out that I don't have to pay him anything at all if he wants to be a bastard with me.

I have so been into Segovia lately. It's so nice to work to and drive to. I love acoustic guitar. After today I think it's going back up for a while though. I find myself whistling the stuff all day long :)

Okay, back to work and it's almost free lunch time. And yes.. I WILL have a margarita at lunch ;)

kellbelle at 10:23 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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