
The Day Is Kind

More good news in the way of finance today. I still haven't seen my debit card in the mail, and I was nearly out of gas today. Luckily I had a check or two from my birthday that I took to the bank to get cash for. I got to the bank and my gas light came on. I turned off the car, got my cash and drove to a gas station. My gas ran out JUST as I pulled into the fuel pump! Woohoo!! Then I get to work to check my bank account thinking I'm screwed, because I have two house payments coming out today AND a car payment... and low and behold.. I have $250 left over! woohoo!!! Life is good.

Tonight Carl will be coming over. Making dinner at home and will probably watch a movie or race on the playstation. hehe It's a no Aubrey weekend, so that means naked racing. LOL TMI sorry .. ok not really.

Work is going great. Can't believe it's nearly 11:00. I have $20 in my wallet, I remembered my lunch, I get to have sex tonight, all my bills are paid. I'm living large :) Hope the day is as kind to you as it has been to me!

kellbelle at 10:35 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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