
Hump Day

Had a very early bedtime last night. I think I was in bed by and asleep by 8:30. Didn't hear from Carl all day, which means work was really busy. Sent him a not to his cell phone before I went to bed, but didn't hear from him. Not a big deal, I really didn't feel like talking anyway.

My taxes are filed and I should have my refund in 7 to 10 days. It's about $1,000 less than I originally estimated because I forgot about one place I worked for cash this summer. They didn't take any taxes out of it, so I had to pay for that part. No big deal. I'll still have enough to pay my attorney and do some other stuff. Not quite sure I can afford to fix the foundation now, but it was a thought.

I'm burning myself a CD of music to listen to on the way to work today and to take on the ski trip. Still don't know if I'm going to be taking my car or not. I wish they would decide. I'm a bit of a planner when it comes to that sort of thing. I am good at last minute details, but some things are nice to know about in advance (like if I'll need to have a lot of money for gas)!

Okay.. time to split and take the kiddo to school and get my butt to work. Talk atcha later.

kellbelle at 7:10 a.m.

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