
Chasing Kelly

Okay, I want to know what the hell is going on. Why are these men from my past suddenly chasing me? LOL With sticks no less (as Chou Chou put it). Doug tries to get me talking about him visiting when he knows damn well I'm seeing someone... for THREE months now. And WWG comes out of nowhere to sideswipe me about how great he thinks I am. Ohhh I'm HOT he says... do I want to swim in his pool? Uhhhh NO.

The ex informed me that he is "going to let me go ahead and claim (aubrey)" on the taxes this year. *LAUGH HERE* He is gonna LET me. Did you hear that like I did? He's going to LET me claim her. Ummm did I miss something here? Because she lives with me 12 months out of the year. He sees her for 4 days a month. Count em... FOUR DAYS A MONTH (if that). He has never used his WEEKLY Wednesday night visit EVER. Let me calculate this... 4 days a month plus maybe 2 weeks for vacation... that's maybe 58 days a year. Okay.. so he has her one and a half months total out of the year. Sorry still not enough to say you're going to ALLOW me to claim her. Give me a break. And if I remember correctly, I have to sign a piece of paper saying I ALLOW him to claim her.

It's been a really strange two days and it has me a little emotional. I'm not really sad or anything, but I'm really tired of dealing with this crap. When is he going to get a clue and a life and understand his responsibilities as a parent? Probably when she's 30. I want to be mean to him, but at the same time that makes me feel bad so it's not even worth it. Plus I'm waiting for him to find out his child support is getting increased. That is not gonna be pretty. He's gonna have a baby all his own over *THAT* little bit of information.

So it's only Tuesday and I want the week to be over so I can laze in bed. I'm tired. Mentally tired, emotionally tired, physically tired. I miss being able to just hug on my man. Distance sucks.. even if it's only 60 miles (as compared to 1,100 from the Canadian). LOL

kellbelle at 11:10 a.m.

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