
Alone At Work

I'm all by myself at the office this afternoon. It seems that everyone had stuff to do and since I'm raging through hormonal cramping, I wasn't fit to go anywhere. That's fine with me. I'll sit here with my heating pad shoved down the front of my pants and sucking down Advil at random hours. Whatever works.

Lately I have been reading several diaries by other women who are feeling bad about anniversaries of divorces and weddings. I myself have been married twice. And when I think back on those days (the weddings and divorces), they don't bother me at all. I don't cry about it. I don't even really feel sadness or regret about it. Sometimes I don't even remember the day until it's a few days past. Maybe it's because I'm older and I realize that I am the person I am today because of everything that's happened to me so I have no regrets. Anyway girls... chill out... lighten up and be happy about today... that you're here at all. You are who you are because of every decision you have ever made. Be proud of that, not filled with regret.

kellbelle at 1:33 p.m.

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