
Okay... I'm a fatalist

Today I am opting for the defeatist attitude... "there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm not going to let it get to me." IT being my checking account which is now -$400 because the bank sucks and despite my phonecalls to them regarding the payment that I cancelled that they went ahead and paid anyway, I was basically told that I'm a loser when it comes to handling money. So I'm in search of a new bank now. Hopefully all this bankruptcy crap doesn't mean that I'm stuck at this bank until it's all cleared up. :(

In other news, Carl is amazing. He is a constant and stead source of love and support. I ask myself every day what I've done to deserve this guy... but then again I'm just thankful to have him at all. He truly is a wonder.

Okay back to work.

kellbelle at 10:10 a.m.

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