
Weekend Recap

I went to see the apartment this weekend. They hadn't cleaned it or anything and it was just a wreck. I know that it will be cleaned and repaired before I move in, but the whole situation really flipped me out. Aubrey didn't seem to mind it.

I'm freaking out because no way in hell is all my stuff going to fit there. I can't stop freaking out every time I start to pack. It's driving me crazy!! I really wish someone were here to help me do all this stuff. I so much suck doing this kind of life altering thing all by myself. I guess I just have to reduce myself to throwing more shit out and letting go of other stuff that I thought I might be able to keep. I should really be packing but I feel like I"m walking in circles.

On a different note, the place directly next door to Carl might be opening up. That would be fantastic, but if it's meant to be, it had better come through before I sign the lease to the apartment and start the moving process. I just found out about it yesterday and have put the wheel in motion... let's just hope that if this is supposed to happen that it happens in a timely manner. Carl is cool about us living there and Aubrey was super excited about it. Keep us in your prayers, happy thoughts, whatever you want to call it. It could be a real blessing.

OKay.. going to go try to pack again.

kellbelle at 7:54 p.m.

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