
Coke and a smile

I think that Carl has waffled aboutus living next door. That's okay. I think it would be really good and a true test of before marriage, but at the same time I can totally respect his need for personal space and all. I could be wrong, but he hasn't answered my email asking him for his blessing to proceed. Perhaps I'm just being skittish myself. Those units are so adorable. Hard wood floors, canopied back yard with enough room for my patio set and grill... it's perfect... and less than the apartment. But some things, however perfect, are not meant to be as I have been shown time and time again. hehe

I need to get my nails done so bad. My cuticles are all cracking and dried out, but I'm moving in a few weeks and don't you know I would break them if I had them done now. I think I can force myself to have a pedicure, though ;) hehe They are cheaper than the manicure.

Work is good today. I have been busy. We're getting ready for a big audit, so I'm busy pulling files and going through them making sure they are correct. When I first started I wasn't sure of all the "policies" on filing, so things were a little confused back then. Now I know how it's done and I find my mistakes from time to time. It's nice to know I finally know what I'm doing.

I talked to my ex last night. He's wanting Aubrey this weekend. It's my company weekend and I had already asked him to flip-flop with me. Well he suddenly thinks he's getting ripped off with time. Which is bull. Then he seemed to get it in his head that he has her for Memorial Weekend. Well, I had already arranged to go badk to Michigan with her and Carl. So I set him straight on that, too. I swear the man is bi-polar. One minute he's all helpful and being nice and the next minute nothing I do is good enough. Grrrr

Well, back to the grind, I suppose. I would really like to go home and ease some of my packing anxiety, but I have all night to worry about that! ;-)

kellbelle at 2:10 p.m.

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