
Ex-Husbands Make The Best Assholes

It's one thing to push my buttons...to make me feel guilty, or insecure, or ugly, stupid, replaceable....but when the asshole starts doing that to my daughter... to HIS OWN daughter... that's just too much.

The plan this weekend was that if it rained, Aubrey would go with her dad to East Texas. If it didn't rain, she would stay with Carl and I and go to my company picnic. Well guess what? She wants to stay if it rains or not.

So I told her tonight that she should call her dad and tell him that she has decided to stay for the picnic (as it's rain or shine). She tells him with a smile on her face and then he says something and she starts to cry.

The *ASSHOLE* told her "Oh well, I guess I'll go see Mimi all by myself then." Fucker. She immediately feels bad and guilty. She hangs up the phone and won't tell me what he said. But in effect she says she feels bad that she has to make choices.

He is such a fucking jerk for playing the guilt card with her that I could just scream. The other day he told me he felt he was getting shorted on weekends because I flip flopped this weekend for next weekend because Carl is taking me to Austin.

The man has had FOUR years to see her ANY fucking TIME he wants. When has he seen her? On his scheduled weekends and holidays only. He could have her ANY time... he has NEVER ONCE used his GIVEN WEEKLY WEDNESDAY to see her and only taken her a few times when she's been sick. Now suddenly he's finding that he's being "shorted" on weekends.

I was so upset when she was telling me about what he said that I started to cry. I never wanted to put her in a position where she would have to choose me or him. I wouldn't feel bad if she wanted to go to Mimi's instead of to the picnic. She has more fun with Carl and I and that's why she wants to stay. And so she gets punished for that. Just great.

kellbelle at 9:05 p.m.

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