
Money Isn't Everything

Feeling a little better today but still have a bad headache that I just can't shake. Carl thinks it's from not drinking enough water, but I have been guzzling it. Also had a bite to eat and 2 @dvil and my head still hurts. Maybe I shouldn't have come to work today, but I knew if I didn't, my desk was going to be a disaster area. Well, it already IS a disaster area. It sure is nice to know people need you around and that they miss you when you're out :)

One nice thing about being sick... tomorrow is FRIDAY! hehe I'm still shuffling my moving schedule all around. I'm leaving the apartment option open until I talk to the landlord of the duplex some more. It's a whole big drama over there with that other lady moving out. She's actually being kicked out and I don't think she knows yet that she has to be out by the end of the month. If things are still slow from the landlord by the 25th, I'm going to just move to the apartment. I would rather not miss out on moving before I'm summarily kicked out of my house, ya know? LOL

Aubrey will have a better school at the apartment and there are more kids there than in Carl's neighborhood. They both hold advantages that can outweigh one another. Money is a pretty nice thing to save on, but money isn't everything.

kellbelle at 11:13 a.m.

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