
Icky Sicky

I must have had a virus or something yesterday. I got sick to my stomach at the office and since it takes me an hour to get home, I had to drive like a mad woman to keep from hurling all over myself on the drive home. I did make it home safe and slept for about an hour before the next bout hit. I was running fever and totally non-functional.

Carl kept calling me telling me to keep taking fluids and try to sleep. I finally gave up the ghost of telling him he didn't have to come over and finally asked him to please come over. It was so much better once he got here. I was still sick to my stomach and hurting and freaking hot, but he took care of Aubrey, got her to bed, did all the dishes and picked up. He even spent the night (risking himself getting sick) and got Aubrey up for school and fed and out the door. What a guy.

I'm still not quite myself. My head is killing me. Carl says it's from dehydration. I still don't feel like eating anything. And I'm still debating over living next door to Carl. It's mostly an internal battle. I worry about stupid emotional things and blame it on the place being too small ;) hehe I'm still working on that list of pro's and con's and I will post them later. Let's just say right now the pro's way outweigh the con's.

OKay...head is still killing me, so it's back to bed for me. Just sent Carl home and I sure hope he doesn't get sick. Aubrey seems to be doing fine, but I did really avoid her a whole lot while I wasn't feeling good. Hopefully that will keep her safe. Carl is another story.

kellbelle at 8:28 p.m.

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