
Recovering from Monday

I was feeling pretty bad last night after the whole flat tire/copier toner incident. I was just a crab ass the whole night. Didn't even really feel like talking to Carl, so I goofed on the computer and avoided all contact with the human species (including my kiddo). Aubrey had a friend over, so at least she didn't need me to entertain her.

Aubrey's last day of school is on Thursday and they're having a special awards ceremony in the morning. I will take the morning off work and go to the ceremony, come home and pack up and then take Aubrey up to work with me since we are flying out for Michigan at 6:30 on Friday morning. We'll stay with Carl on Thursday night and just get up early and head for the airport all together.

More hints about the marriage proposal have been rolling in. He asked me if I like cruises. I said hell yeah! hehe This is kind of fun. He thinks he's being all coy and covert. hehe

WEll, I have reception duty upstairs in a few minutes, so I guess I should be getting up there. Have a great day.

kellbelle at 9:32 a.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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