
Good News Abounds

I have been using today to do things to get ready to move. I just called the insurance company to cancel my homeowner's insurance. It seems that the bank paid them for the whole year, so I get a refund. Let me repeat that I get a refund!!! I am sooo psyched. I can really use the money. Best part is that it will come next month after I am already moved when I will most likely need the money the most.

Other good news, my good friend B has met a guy. She hasn't told me anything really about it yet other than that she met someone. I'm dying to hear the details. B was living with her boyfriend for 10 years. They bought a house together and everything and recently (around Thanksgiving time) he told her that he wanted to break up. It seems he was seeing someone else on the side. I finally told her a while ago that she was at the house all the time and she gave up the ghost on him. Hopefully this new guy is good for her. I can't wait to hear about it.

kellbelle at 2:48 p.m.

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