
I have the best boyfriend ever

I have the best boyfriend in the whole world. Last night I went home to change for my massage and walk the dog. I got to Judy's house (right next door to Carl) and gave him a ring to see if he wanted to do dinner after my massage. He said sure, he was running late and would be home.

My massage was great. I'm sore as hell today, but I was sore before from moving last weekend. I feel lots better now :) After the massage, I went over to Carl's and sitting on his sofa was a HUGE SpongeBob bag!! Eeeeee! I went back to his computer room and he asked if I saw the bag. Yes, how could you miss it? LOL So we go back in and he presents me with the bag. Inside are new sheets and a Target gift card!! How cool is that?? That man spends way too much money on him, but his gifts are always so wonderful and things that I really need.

I know I was complaining about him not liking my complaining yesterday, but in all actuality, I'm pleased that we have reached a new stage in our relationship. Things have been almost "too" wonderful (if you know what I mean) so it's good to reach a point where things are "real" and our relationship is realistic. Kind of silly for me to be happy that we have argued, but I am :)

Aubrey will be home tomorrow night and I still don't have the apartment or her room nearly ready. I still have lots of unpacking to do as well as decorating and putting everything back up. It's tiring really. But I'm enjoying it. The apartment is really "me" and I'm liking everything so far.

I have to call the phone company today. I have messages at my new phone number and no way to access them because they failed to leave me my access code! LOL So I'm off to search the internet for their phone number :) Have a great day.

kellbelle at 8:01 a.m.

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