
Breaking into my own house

Had a really good weekend. I left work to get Aubrey on Friday after lunch. She was home from camp and more than happy to see me. She ran to me and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me so tight. It was great. I love it when she's so affectionate.

Before I picked her up from camp, I stopped at the old house to pick up another load of crap to take to the apartment. Well guess what? Sometime during the move I lost my house key!! I got to the house and I was locked out.

I went around to the back of the house and tried to smash in the window on the door so I could unlock it and get in, but the door was a security door and the glass was double paned. Even the neighbor with his hammer couldn't break open the window. We tried getting in through a window and that didn't happen either. Finally he got a big screwdriver and we wedged open the back door. I loaded up, picked up Aubrey and hit the road back to Denton.

We had a nice meal with Carl and they played on PlayStation while I played with the Sims. What fun!! COntrolling other peoples' lives... what a fun hobby! LOL And you get to build and design their little houses and buy them stuff... I love it!

Saturday we went to a party at one of Carl's friends. It was a pool party. I was a little nervous about it. I do not have a swimsuit body but boy was I relieved... the other couple there was portly too! hehe Carl's friend has a beer belly. Carl of course is skinny as a rail. It was a lot of fun. There were other kids there so Aubrey got to play with them.

I sat in the hot tub almost the whole day and drank beer. NO I didn't get drunk. I didn't even get sun burned! It was a wonderful time. The other couple asked us how long we were married. hehe Carl smiled really big and said "We're not married yet" :-) LOL It was funny. They thought we were newly weds.

Saturday night was early bedtime. We were all wiped out from swimming. Carl said he was going home to feed the cat and would be back in a while. Well, he fell asleep at home (I figured he would). I had already told Aubrey she could sleep with me. hehe

Sunday morning Carl came over with his laundry. We had some lunch at home and then went to the nursury to get some plants. I got a flat of zinnias for the patio planters and Aubrey got a couple Impatients for her flower pot to take care of. Carl got some stuff for his flower beds at his place.

We went over to meet the new sitter and her family. Their house is huge and the community has its own pool. Aubrey will love it there. Kristen (the woman) has step daughters Aubrey's age, and although they are with their mother this week, I think it will be good for Aubrey to get used to the place in a more quiet atmosphere. I will call her in a while to see how she's doing.

Sunday night was dinner and the first Harry Potter movie. We are trying to get Carl to see the first two movies so he can understand the third one when we take Aubrey to the movies.

Well, work is really slow and boring today, but I have a few things I can do now. I'll get to them I guess :) Have a great day.

kellbelle at 2:02 p.m.

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