
7 months and going strong

Carl came over last night for dinner and brought a nice bottle of wine. It's been 7 months now and we're still going strong. I miss him when he's not around, even though we only live 5 minutes apart now. :) It's really nice to feel needed and appreciated by another adult again. Aubrey makes me feel needed and appreciated, but those of you with kids know what I mean about receiving it from an adult.

After dinner we relaxed with our wine and watched the rest of the first Harry Potter movie. I made Carl recap the movie to see if he had really paid attention. hehe He paid attention and gave his synopsis in very good detail.

He didn't stay long. We're all a bit tired from all the sun and swimming over the weekend. He has yet to plant his stuff that we got at the nursery on Sunday. I imagine he'll do that tonight. I plan on using the evening to put more stuff away and get some more boxes put into the storage closet.

Last night after Carl left, I got Aubrey tucked into bed and just as I was getting ready to get into bed I heard something beep. Then something else beeped. Guess what? EVERY single smoke alarm started beeping because the batteries were dead. LOL And they only take 9 volt batteries. Aubrey was already passed out. I knew I had 9 volts somewhere, but who the hell knew where! I dug through boxes for about 15 minutes before finding them and, thankfully, I had just enough for all the beeping alarms. :)

That's all I can think about to write at the moment. I'll try to write more later. Work is good today, I have lots to work on.

kellbelle at 11:53 a.m.

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