
Talk about school.... already!!

Had a massage last night, but was in a really weird mood after. Judy missed one shoulder, but she spent way over an hour on my massage, so I didn't tell her she forgot my shoulder. Only problem...it's the shoulder that needed it most. LOL

After the massage I was in a really weird mood. I can't say that I was sad or upset or anything. Perhaps I was just overtired. Laying on my face for the massage made my sinuses really flare up. After the massage I went over to Carl's. He wanted to finish reading his book, so I layed down next to him and tried not to fall asleep. That's when I started feeling bad. My head started hurting and I just wanted to cry. Usually when something like that hits I just go with it, but I wasn't at my house and I didn't really want Aubrey or Carl to see me crying because I really didn't know what was up with me. LOL

I made an excuse and Aubrey and I headed back home. She walked the dog for me and then got ready for bed. I took some sinus meds and was in bed by 9:30. I slept the entire night. I must have needed it pretty bad. I'm thinking the mood sprung from being over-tired and just not feeling "at home" just yet.

The house is still a mess of boxes and stuff that hasn't found a home yet. This drives me crazy. I'm not a neat freak or anything, but this living out of boxes stuff isn't fun either. I can do some this weekend, but we still have one trip left to the house to get the last of my stuff out of there. That means more junk to put away.

I got Aubrey registered for the after school care program. It's an extended care day right after school and it's on site, so that means she can just stay there at school until I pick her up from after work. They have a tutoring time, arts and crafts, outside play and board games. They also have extra classes you can take (you pay extra) that included stuff like Spanish and dance. Aubrey was very excited about that. The program is $110 a month (as opposed to $50 a week daycare). I told her that since I'm saving $100 a month that she can take one of the extra classes when they start up. She thought that was cool too. hehe

Next month I get her registered and we start thinking about buying school supplies. I can hardly believe it's not even the end of June yet and I'm having to think about school.

Have a good day.

kellbelle at 8:52 a.m.

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