
If it's not one thing it's another

I have to leave work early today. Yeah I know, I have been out and off and leaving early a lot lately. I just found out today that there are only 5 spots left in the after school care program at Aubrey's school. I was hoping to get her registered for that when I registered her for school. No such luck. So I have to race home tonight and try to find it before the office closes (at 5:00). Ugggg.

Other than that, the day has been really slow and uneventful. Carl came over last night to do laundry. He entertained Aubrey while I tried fixing a computer program. I didn't fix it, but he totally entertained my kid. YOu gotta love that :) He spent the night too :-X hehe Not going there right now. I'm in a hurry to get out of here. Let's just say I felt the love before bed and before work even. I think the neighbor must think I'm a tramp as much as the headboard has hit the wall in the two weeks since I moved in! hehe

kellbelle at 2:54 p.m.

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