
Observations - I'm such a fixer

Lately I have been reading a lot of diaries...some not even ones I've read before or banners I click on...where people say "why is this happening to me?" Most of the time, if you read far enough back in their diaries, you can see it coming...and you can see why it happened to them. Most of these people are really young and not very experienced in life. They go on for days ... sometimes weeks...talking about how life isn't fair and this should never have happened.

I don't mean to seem cold...or casual. That kind of stuff happenes to everyone. And that's just it...it happens because we made the wrong choice...or sometimes what we thought was the right one. And the thing that happens is because of that choice. THAT'S why it happened. If you made the wrong choice...getting upset about it is not going to change the outcome. Accepting it won't change the outcome either, but it takes a lot less energy to accept something once than to say "why me" for weeks. I get frustrated that I can't help them see how much easier life would be if they could just let go and move ahead.

This isn't meant to slam anyone in particular. It's just an observation I've made from a lot of diaries here and I have been thinking about it a lot. I acknowledge that a diary is to vent and to say whatever you want to say. But doing so in a public forum opens one up to observations and criticisms. Sometimes I want to leave comments, but I know I would sound harsh and uncaring...even cold. So I hold my tongue, shake my head and try not to think like such a "MOM" and a "fixer". Hell I can't even fix my own life! LOL

I don't know why I feel so compelled to help. Maybe because I see myself in so many of the diaries I read. I want to save someone else the pain of what I had to go through to get where I am. Not that where I am is so great and wonderful, but I am the happiest I have ever been...and only because I have learned to let go.

Anyway...enough of this rant for now. I hope I haven't offended anyone.

kellbelle at 11:18 a.m.

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