

I'm home today. Had a doctor appointment. I have a major sinus infection and feel like total shit. They also drew blood at my request to test for diabetes. He's also going to run some thyroid tests.

I got a precript for antibiotics and some samples of Welbutrin. Yeah I'm going back on antidepressants. This not sleeping stuff and feeling tired all the time is worth combatting with medicine. I take far too much Tylenol to help me sleep at night...my liver is probably screaming for help every time I go to bed.

Tomorrow we're off to Houston. Carl's nephew is celebrating his first birhtday. It should be fun. Aubrey is coming with us and we're going to stay at the condo :) I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I will feel better by tomorrow after the antibiotics have had a little time to kick in. I'm hoping I caught the infection early enough this time.

That's it for now...have to go pick up Aubrey from school.

kellbelle at 4:31 p.m.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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