
Hump Day

I'm feeling tons better today. The antibiotics are kicking out the gunk...and on the downside any woman knows what they joy of antibiotics brings :-( I hate those damn infections. It took me 15 minutes at the pharmacy to day to find the damn cream. Do you know where they had it?? By the FOOT lotions! LOL Lotrimin is Lotrimin I guess. hehe

Training for scouts last night was fun but went way after 10:00. I was so damn tired when I got home and so relieved to find out that Carl had already made Aubrey's lunch and gotten her to bed with all her homework done. He is such an incredibly thoughtful and sweet guy. I'm so lucky.

I found out today that my apartment complex is going to let me use the community center for FREE to meet with the girls. Tomorrow or Friday I should have the name of 4 or 5 girls to be in my troop. I'm hoping that Kayla's mom wants to help out some. I have to talk to her and find out what she's willing to do and plan out the first parent meeting.

This weekend Aubrey is with her father, so it's a long weekend with Carl. I think we're going to visit his Nana sometime over the weekend. Not sure if we're going to see his mom as well. I found out his mom's kitty died last week. Toffey Cat was so incredible. She was the sweetest, funniest, talkiest cat. So sad she's gone.

We still haven't heard when his mom's wedding is and I hope she decides soon because November isn't far away and air fare to Chicago is never really cheap around the holidays. If she gets married at Christmas (Plan B) then we won't have to go anywhere as it will be here in Dallas.

Work is slow. Everyone is either out on business or pleasure. I caught up in one day what I had missed in two. There are still some things I need to work on, so I guess I'll get after them now.

kellbelle at 2:36 p.m.

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