
Nothing Exciting

This over the counter crap isn't doing SHIT for my lovely infection. I called the doctor and he called in a prescription for Diflucan, but I can't get to the pharmacy until I get home. I am in so much discomfort that I can't sit still. The pain and burn woke me up at 1:00 last night. Sometimes it just really bites ass being a woman.

Work was good today. I was very busy and everyone was back in the office which is nice. Tonight I need to do some GS planning. I still don't know my list of girls yet, so it's hard to plan a budget when I don't know how many girls... and hard to plan a parent meeting when I don't know who the parents are! LOL But it's just as well as I have a lot of stuff to put together. Hopefully I don't make a complete and utter ass out of myself doing this.

Only and hour to go and I can get to the pharmacy. Here's hoping time flies!

kellbelle at 3:17 p.m.

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