
Side Effects

Side effects are really bad today. I'm all jittery and my ears are still ringing. I put a call in to the doctor to see what he says. In the meantime I'm going bonkers trying to find things to do because I have so much "energy". LOL I feel like such a sp!

In all actuality, it feels good to have energy again and feel alive, but I could do without the jittery feeling and ringing in my ears. hehe

My parent meeting is tonight and I can already tell I have a potential problem on my hands. This parent wants to bring her son to meetings. I said "no". It's not fair to the girls to have a boy there for their girl time, don't you think? She says "Well I want to be at every meeting. When I was a Girl Scout my mother was always there." I told her that she's more than welcome but that she'll have to make arrangements for her son. I suggested that perhaps one of the other mothers could watch him while we had the meeting. She about flipped out! LOL Told me "We don't let just anyone watch our kids." LOL Okay then.

We'll see how things go tonight. She is bringing her son to the parent meeting, which I said was fine. If he is quiet and well behaved I may allow her to bring him to the meetings...but I don't want ALL the mothers bringing their other kids. Do you know what I mean?

How can she help her daughter (or the other girls) do crafts or projects with a 2/3 year old there? Hopefully this won't be a problem and I'm just worrying for nothing. I am good at that.

I can see why people lose weight taking this medication. I got home last night and I wasn't hungry at all. I don't even remember what I had to eat, but I know it wasn't much. Right now I'm hungry. I brought a frozen thing, an apple and a fat free pudding. I'm trying to drink lots of water as the medicine also makes my mouth dry.

Enough blathering for now. I need to go find something to do to expend this extra energy.

kellbelle at 10:52 a.m.

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