
I hate politics

I really hate politics. I get so confused over issues it's no wonder most Americans are apethetic about voting. It takes so much time and energy to educate yourself. And if anyone else is like me, when you think you're educated, something else comes along or another issue is brought to the forefront that makes you have to stop and reconsider things yet again.

Maybe you guys can help me out with some of this...and it's not meant to be "funny" or "sarcastic". Perhaps I just need further education. Don't get me wrong. There are some things I don't like about Bush's administration, too, but for the most part he's the way my vote is swinging. I honestly don't know what it is about Kerry that I don't like. I can't stand to hear the man open his mouth. He gives me the willies. He creeps me out. I know that's not a very valid reason to not vote for the guy, but when I ask people who will be voting for him to convince me why I should vote for him, I just don't hear anything that I agree with.

So...those of you not voting for George, please tell me why I shouldn't vote for him. Seriously. Because I want to feel like I really know what I'm doing and that I really understand the issues.

Carl is voting for Kerry. That doesn't make me think any less of him, but he can't even talk to me about stuff without getting uptight about it. He can't understand what I see in George, and I can't understand what he can see in Kerry. But I still enjoy the healthy, adult conversation about it. It makes Carl nervous.

So many people I work with say "If you don't vote for you're an idiot." Uhhh that's not what being an American is about. I vote for who I want to vote for because their beliefs line up with mine. If you think I'm misguided, that's your right, but you don't have to call me an idiot.

*stepping down off soapbox*

Thanks :)

kellbelle at 5:26 p.m.

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