
Winter Wonderland

Winter weather has finally hit the metroplex in total Texas fashion. Yesterday it was nearly 70 degrees outside and I was without a jacket. Today it�s in the 30�s �dropping to the 20�s and it�s sleeting, raining, and snowing! I always love it when it does this around the holidays as it takes away from my home sickness. I have discovered that even though I have Carl and his family to spend the holidays with, yes, I still get homesick.

I have become addicted to my S*ms again and played for several hours last night. I�m starting to see new things�one of my people got abducted by aliens. A couple that I created wanders to every house in the neighborhood to visit and then proceeds to argue with each other in front of the couple they are visiting. It�s hilarious. Last night they actually got in a fight and there was a big dust ball like you see in cartoons. I was rolling.

Aubrey wrapped her dad�s presents last night. Hehe She got him a new frying pan. That�s what she said she wanted to get him, so that�s what I let her get him. She also gave him a picture frame that she had painted. I have to stop at the liquor store on the way home and pick up some generic Irish Cream for Nana. She bakes with it (hehe yeah sure she does). She makes the most awesome Irish Cream bunt cake. I�m hoping she has some for the holiday.

Carl�s mom is getting married on Monday. I�m singing with the accompaniment of some professional guitar player. He hasn�t contacted me once about practicing. I�m hoping that we�ll be able to run through it a couple times before the ceremony. There�s only one song I�m doing, so it should be too bad.

Work is going to be very slow today. Hardly anyone is in today, so I�ve already warned them that if the weather turns bad I�m out of here. The only bummer is that I have reception relief duty today. I cover her breaks. But if the weather is bad enough, they will just close the office. I�m wondering how I�m going to meet up with Aubrey�s dad to drop her off tonight if this crap is still hanging around. Worse case scenario is that I won�t drop her off until Sunday after we�re done with Christmas. We�ll see I guess.

Oh, and Von thanks for the note. It�s so hard to teach your kids not to be so materialistic�yet that�s what tends to happen when you have families that have more than two parents. Sometimes you have a parent that tries to buy the attention of the child from the other parent. Aubrey�s dad doesn�t do that. She just thinks that anything from him is wonderful because there isn�t a lot he does for her. But he has pulled big gifts in the past. When she was seven, he bought her a $700 keyboard for Christmas. I choked. Now it�s back at his place (go figure). When we have room in the house for it again we�ll get it back. ;)

Well, I suppose I should get SOMEthing done here today, so I�ll sign off for now and write more later.

kellbelle at 8:35 a.m.

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