
Weekend Recap

We had a really great weekend in Austin. After getting a little bit of a late start, we arrived at his folks� house in the early afternoon. We decided to take Aubrey around town as she had never been there before. Our first stop was the state capital building. If you scroll down to the bottom of this entry you will see my photo blog.

She had such a good time walking around the building and having me take her picture. She was flirty with a Texas Ranger and got him to pose with her. He was a cutie *sigh*. Hehe We walked around for hours looking at all the portraits of governors past all the way to the very first one. We peeked into the Texas House of Representative room as well as where the congress persons gather. Aubrey posed by the governor�s office and we walked all the way to the top of the dome (well as far as they let you walk). I got some great pics.

We headed outside to walk around the grounds and admire the outside of the building as well as the city. Austin really is a beautiful place. There are quite a few homeless people, but there seem to be lots of groups in the community that provide shelters and safe places to eat and sleep.

After the tour of the capital building we headed up to Mount Bonnell. There are 106 stairs to the top and it is the highest point in the area. I got some nice pictures up there that I still need to add to the blog. It was really beautiful up there above the city and the lake. The houses up there were incredible. I didn�t get any pictures of them because they are so far back behind trees and such. They are meant to be private I guess (what a concept).

We came home and had dinner and spent the rest of the evening watching Laurel and Hardy movies. Aubrey had never seen them and she and Larry (Carl�s dad) were just giggling like crazy. I was laughing just listening to them get the giggles.

I hit the hay pretty early. I was tired and we had to get up for church the next day. I got up in the morning and we headed to church. The service was really great. The choir did a classical piece in Latin with strings and organ. It was so beautiful. I really miss singing in a choir. I need to get off my ass and find one to start singing in again. We met with the priest and the wedding coordinator and just defined some other items for the ceremony. Everything is going great so far with all the planning. Carl�s folks gave us some money to help out with the wedding (which was really nice). Now that we have all the times finalized I need to order the invitations.

I just noticed that the photo blog site is down. So come back later to see the pictures! LOL

kellbelle at 12:30 p.m.

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