
Can you say stress boys and girls?

My butt is STILL on fire. I�m sure you didn�t need to know that, but this is MY diary afterall. Hehe I woke up this morning with a coldsore. You think I�m under stress or something? Sheesh

I�m finally catching up with the workload at the office, but you should see the mountain of filing that I have yet to do. I�m sorry, but today I refuse to work through my lunch. I actually remembered to bring something from home to eat today (it helped by hitting the grocery store last night) so I am going to ENJOY myself, damnit!

And tomorrow is the big paycheck, so I�m sure that will take a lot of stress off as well. Carl told me yesterday that he has saved up quite a bit of money as well, so I�m thinking the both of us should be �evening out� any time now right???

I get tears in my eyes every time I think about marrying Carl. He is such a great guy. He is so totally in touch with his feelings and emotions and has no problem expressing them. We�re not so good expressing the negative feelings yet, but we�re working on that one. He and I both tend to misconstrue the other. That�s when things get ugly. LOL

I am still working through my crazy Si*ms*2 addiction. Has anyone else out there played it yet? I�m wondering if Ur*bs is the same format as 2 is? Anyway�I don�t need to be getting any more. LOL I sit and play that for hours. I love building the houses and furnishing/decorating them. I made the mistake last night of pairing two individuals who are both family goal oriented. Umm they now have 7 kids and her next goal is to have 10. LOL At least the aspiration meter is pretty high most of the time and I can keep them young and popping out kids. Hehe

I have more than enjoyed the last hour of lunch. But since everyone is still out for their regular 2 hour lunches, I will continue to surf, to read blogs and goof for a while ;) Have a great day.

kellbelle at 12:32 p.m.

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